Machiavelli’s Agathocles, three versions: virtù and exemplarity in The Prince




Exemplarity, Virtu, Imitation, Machiavelli, Agathocles


In The Prince, the political prescriptions that Machiavelli offers his readers are presented predominantly in the form of reflections on particular examples. In this essay I expound three different interpretations of Agathocles (those of Victoria Kahn, John McCormick, and Erica Benner), who appears in the book as the main example of the criminal prince, then textually separated from the group of “excellent men” who are called to imitate by new princes. Despite their differences, these different interpretations show that the prince’s virtù is for Machiavelli inseparable from the ability to judge examples and extract from them the truth.


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How to Cite

Tavera Villegas, H. (2024). Machiavelli’s Agathocles, three versions: virtù and exemplarity in The Prince. Isegoría, (70), 1342.



Exemplarity and morality. On the spirit and letter of imitation