Conferencias Aranguren ¿Fin de la intimidad? Entering and Abiding in Ourselves: Against the Transhumanist Threats




Intimacy, Person, Transhumanism, Digital World


The notion of intimacy has different origins and meanings. In the philosophical tradition, Seneca, Augustine of Hippo, Luther, Pascal, Descartes, Leibniz, Rousseau, Kant, Mill, Freud, Ortega and Zambrano conceived intimacy from different approaches. This contribution devotes special attention to Ortega y Gasset, because it linked self-absorption and technique. It also affirms a voluntarily shared intimacy that develops through intimate relationships in the network. However, some technological systems threaten privacy. This is the case of artificial intelligence promoted by transhumanism, which emerged with the NBIC program (nano-bio-info-cogno, NSF 2001). Transhumanists technoscientists of great worldwide influence, such as Harari, have defended particularly dangerous ideas for the intimacy of people. To combat these threats, it is necessary to promote a shared and networked intimacy. Likewise, the notion of techno-person must be developed, invoking the right to privacy of technopersons in the digital world.


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How to Cite

Echeverría, J. (2019). Conferencias Aranguren ¿Fin de la intimidad? Entering and Abiding in Ourselves: Against the Transhumanist Threats. Isegoría, (60), 15–50.




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