A Posthuman Possibility. Posthumanism, Immortality and Human Nature





Posthumanism, immortality, human nature


The radical posthumanism of Kurzweil aims to achieve immortality. Fukuyama and Habermas criticize posthumanism defending the idea of an inalterable human nature. Pinker, for his part, considers that there is a human nature, but susceptible to modifications. There is a limit to human nature: it is found (according to Wolff and Braidotti) in the mortal nature of each member of the human species. Sloterdijk will introduce a nuance and insist on the natality of the creative acts of man, standing in continuity with the Nietzschean concept of overman.


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How to Cite

Galparsoro, J. I. (2020). A Posthuman Possibility. Posthumanism, Immortality and Human Nature. Isegoría, (63), 451–470. https://doi.org/10.3989/isegoria.2020.063.09




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