Social theory of justice and the social production of precariousness




Gender, Capitalism, Justice, Critique, Precariousness, Emancipation


This paper endorses the idea that an ethical and political perspective on precariousness would be informed by a social theory. Nancy Fraser’s Critical Theory of Justice is a good sample of this requirement. The aim of her critical account consists in to identify the social contradictions of capitalism to make a proper diagnosis of our current era. The diagnosis is the beginning to analyze the emancipatory options, entangled with those contradictions, to find out the society’s sense of justice. According to that, this paper deals with the recent adjustments in Fraser’s Social Critical Theory of Justice that focuses on the new orders of subjection in our current societies. So, I will reenact her work from her debate with Habermas on gender in the ‘80s to her current theorization of capitalism as an institutionalized social order.


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How to Cite

Palacio Avendaño, M. . (2021). Social theory of justice and the social production of precariousness. Isegoría, (64), e08.




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