The world of morality between the sky and the Earth. About the typic of the pure practical reason




Typic, Freedom, Causality, Critique of experience, Reality, World of life


Based on the interpretation of the passage that Kant dedicates to the typic of the pure practical power of judgment, the author gives a central place to what, in his view, constitutes the heart of the problem of Kantian critical philosophy, namely, to demonstrate that reason, in its practical use can be effectively moral. This provides the basis to hold that the solution offered by Kant to this severe problem consolidates the subordination of the theorical use of reason to the practical one, which is identified with the subordination of truth to freedom. The conclusion is that said subordination, which would irreversibly change the course of philosophy, is only possible by means of a rupture of the experience (critique of experience) that places action and consequently human life in the face of a representation of the real, that goes beyond, from freedom and history, what the categories of understanding show us truth of nature.


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How to Cite

Longás, F. . (2022). The world of morality between the sky and the Earth. About the typic of the pure practical reason. Isegoría, (66), e08.



Dossier: Kant’s Tercentenary in 2024