Simone Weil’s critique of Marx: a source for Ecosocialist thought




Simone Weil, Marx, Ecosocialism, Oppression, Degrowth


In this article we discuss the political thought of the French philosopher Simone Weil. In particular, we analyse two fundamental elements of her critique of Marxism, namely her reflections on the phenomenon of power and her critique of the theory of the unlimited development of productive forces. We do so in dialogue with two of the pioneers of the ecosocialist critique of Marx in Spain: Manuel Sacristán and Francisco Fernández Buey, both readers of Weil. The aim: to point out the relevance of this philosopher’s thought not only for its influence on some of the great ethical-political reflections of the socialist tradition in the twentieth century, but also for its ability to address the current challenges.


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How to Cite

Matheu Ribera, P., & Pérez-Fernández, A. . (2022). Simone Weil’s critique of Marx: a source for Ecosocialist thought. Isegoría, (66), e27.



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Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
Grant numbers FPU17/03181;FPU18/03596;PGC2018-094463-B-100

Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Grant numbers PGC2018-094463-B-100

European Regional Development Fund
Grant numbers PGC2018-094463-B-100