The sculptor of eternal Germany: Hitler and aestheticization of politics in the Third Reich




aesthetics, aestheticization, Germany, Hitler, National Socialism, politics, Third Reich


Since his youth, Hitler felt the inner desire to become a renowned artist both in his native Austria and the Germany he felt he belonged. Although the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna twice frustrated his dream in the fine arts, properly said, politics brought him the opportunity to make it come true; and, once he had become Führer of all German people, he though himself as the great artist who must have regenerated and shaped a new Germany. In this essay I will try to present the main aspects of aesthetics with which National Socialism covered the Third Reich. An aesthetic which went beyond the artistic field, shaping a whole society, a political model and a way of thinking, based on its aspiration to domination, its ambition to eternity and its wish to make the German community an authentic piece of art.


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How to Cite

Leiva Bustos, J. (2023). The sculptor of eternal Germany: Hitler and aestheticization of politics in the Third Reich. Isegoría, (69), e17.




Funding data

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Grant numbers CA1/RSUE/2021-00517

Ministerio de Universidades
Grant numbers CA1/RSUE/2021-00517

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Grant numbers PID2020-115142GA-I00