Citizenship, Constitution and Democracy: the Antinomies of Equaliberty




Equaliberty, Balibar, Ferrajoli, Constitution, Citizenship, Democracy


This paper aims to critically analyse Étienne Balibar’s interpretation of the three antinomies of equaliberty described in his work as well as his definitions of «social citizenship», «material Constitution» and «co-citizenship». For this purpose, a journey through the philosopher’s thought will be made within his work Equaliberty. This will be followed by a critique of some of his theses with the aim of showing their internal limits through the work of the law philosopher Luigi Ferrajoli. Finally, Ferrajoli’s proposal of Guarantee-constitutionalism is proposed as a possible way of overcoming the antinomies posed by Balibar regarding equaliberty.


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How to Cite

Fernández Caparrós, F. M. (2023). Citizenship, Constitution and Democracy: the Antinomies of Equaliberty. Isegoría, (68), e09.


