Is there a Husserlian theory of inequality? To extend the concept of fate to its social dimension




Husserl, Phenomenological Ethics, Inequality, Fate, Social Fate


The article seeks to present the foundations of a theory of inequality in Husserl from an expansion of the concept, coming from Husserlian ethics, of fate. In the first two sections, I present the main conclusions of Husserl’s ethics, including what until now the literature has understood as the concept of fate (which I characterize as “natural fate”). Subsequently, based on posthumous texts by Husserl, I suggest the need to broaden the scope of fate to its social dimension (what I have called “social fate”), which will make it possible to appreciate that inequality is a central problem for the practical concerns of Husserl. The article ends by showing a sense in which social fate has a certain pre-eminence over natural fate.


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How to Cite

Guíñez, P. (2023). Is there a Husserlian theory of inequality? To extend the concept of fate to its social dimension. Isegoría, (68), e22.



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