With Weapons, as Weapons: Women’s Violence


  • María Xosé Agra Romero Universidad de Santiago de Compostela




violence, terrorism, horrorism, sex/gender, mother narrative, female suicide bombers, vulnerabilty


The paper deals with one of the topics of contemporary violence: women’s political violence. From the problems to name violence and Cavarero’s analysis of «horrorism» the paper focuses on two cases: the death of Yoyes and Chechen women suicide bombers. We try to show the social and cultural sex/gender constructions, its myths and stereotypes since they are one of the deepest and more persistent roots of violence. In short, the main point is to reflect on and understand the vulnerability of human condition.


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How to Cite

Agra Romero, M. X. (2012). With Weapons, as Weapons: Women’s Violence. Isegoría, (46), 49–74. https://doi.org/10.3989/isegoria.2012.046.02




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