Ethics of Recognition and the Victims of Terrorism


  • Xabier Etxeberria Universidad de Deusto



Recognition, victims of terrorism, struggle for recognition, dignity, identity, justice


In this study, the author seeks to apply the ethical concept of recognition to the victims of terrorism, in particular, to the victims of ETA (Spain). The argument is presented in four sections. In the first section, an analysis is offered of the bad recognition on the part of the terrorist, as is implied in the violence perpetrated and in the interpretation made of it. The second section examines the issue of whether there is a specificity to these victims —particularly, its vicarious condition— that affects the recognition that is due to them. The third section of the paper addresses the struggle for recognition sustained by these victims, highlighting important variations in relation to general theories of recognition, and discussing what these variations contribute to theory development; specially in regards to the tension between symmetry/asymmetry. In the last section, the author attempts to clarify the end goals of this struggle, in its most broad sense regarding dignity and identity, and more concretely, in terms of objectives such as truth, memory, justice and reconciliation. The expectation is that these elements synthesize in the triad be recognized-recognize-recognize oneself.


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How to Cite

Etxeberria, X. (2012). Ethics of Recognition and the Victims of Terrorism. Isegoría, (46), 215–232.



Notes and Discussions