Karl Marx, a journalist in the Era of Capital. Notes for a research


  • Mario Espinoza Pino Universidad Complutense, Madrid




Karl Marx, journalism, New York Tribune, mulilineal history, antagonistic maps


The aim of this article is to criticize the traditional representation of Karl Marx’s journalistic works, usually forgotten by a misleading canon that assumes his articles only as a minor work. One of the problems of this traditional conception is that it dissociates his theoretical and economic contributions from the historical development of the author’s thought (and also from its material roots). We will try to point the importance of Karl Marx’s mature journalism in two areas: in the construction of the central concepts of his critic against the capitalist mode of production (surplus value, a multilineal historical perspective, a global description of the world market, etc.) and in the production of political cartographies to intervene in the class conflict. This article poses several hypothesis and tentative affirmations about Karl Marx’s journalism that may serve as a point of departure for a critical research.


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How to Cite

Espinoza Pino, M. (2014). Karl Marx, a journalist in the Era of Capital. Notes for a research. Isegoría, (50), 107–122. https://doi.org/10.3989/isegoria.2014.050.06


