Critique of Political Economy, Beyond Traditional Marxism: Moishe Postone and Robert Kurz


  • Jordi Maiso IFS-CSIC
  • Eduardo Maura UCM



nuevas lecturas de Marx, crítica del capitalismo, Robert Kurz, Moishe Postone, crítica del valor, crisis del capitalismo


The present paper aims to present two attempts to update Marx’s critique of political economy: those of Moishe Postone and Robert Kurz. Their analysis, developed in the eighties, offer central insights to overcome the shortcomings of traditional Marxism, thus opening fruitful perspectives to update critical theory. Starting from a shared point of view, both present however different diagnoses: while Postone aims at an immanent critique of capitalism pointing out how it raises (and frustrates) the possibility of a new social order, Kurz points out that capitalism has reached its inner limit, entering a phase of decline and gradual disintegration.


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How to Cite

Maiso, J., & Maura, E. (2014). Critique of Political Economy, Beyond Traditional Marxism: Moishe Postone and Robert Kurz. Isegoría, (50), 269–284.



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