Notes on Fetishism, History and Uncertainty: Beyond the Critique of Austerity


  • Werner Bonefeld University of York



Adorno, Benjamin, Marx, History, Negativity, Now-Time, Social Reproduction


We are in the middle of huge wave of uprisings, of massive, multitudinous refusals to accept the contemporary conditions. The article asks what it means to say NO in a society in which the poor and miserable are required to subsidise the financial system for the sake of sustaining the illusion of abstract wealth. This subsidy is necessary in existing society, to secure its wealth and prevent its implosion. Capitalist society cannot be fought in a direct and immediate manner - what really does it mean to struggle against money, resist the movement of coins, combat the movement of interest rates, fight price movements, and resist poverty in a mode of social reproduction that entails the pauper in its concept of wealth? The refusal to sanction things as they are is entirely negative of the existing conditions of social reproduction. It demands that their further progress comes to a standstill.


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How to Cite

Bonefeld, W. (2014). Notes on Fetishism, History and Uncertainty: Beyond the Critique of Austerity. Isegoría, (50), 319–335.



Notes and Discussions