Providence and Cosmopolitanism. Stoic Elements in Kant’s Political Philosophy


  • Eduardo Molina Cantó Universidad Alberto Hurtado



Kant, Stoics, Cosmopolitanism, Providence, History, Nature


This paper aims to show in the first instance that the notion of providence that Kant uses in works such as Perpetual Peace and Ideas for a universal History with a cosmopolitan Purpose corresponds in some central aspects to the Stoic idea of providence. Secondly, it will be argued that it is in this context in which it is possible to assess the Kantian notion of cosmopolitanism correctly. Finally, this paper suggests that this way of philosophically confronting the problems of history and politics provides an answer to the systematicity constraint, which according to Kant is required by reason itself. indeed, this very idea of system is linked to a good extent to Stoic philosophy.


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How to Cite

Molina Cantó, E. (2015). Providence and Cosmopolitanism. Stoic Elements in Kant’s Political Philosophy. Isegoría, (53), 475–490.


