The Political Potentiality of Aesthetic Judgment: on Arendtian Reappropriation of Kant


  • Anabella Di Pego Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Hannah Arendt, Kant, aesthetic judgment, communicability, Philosophy of history, Public Use of Reason, French Revolution


Hannah Arendt’s asseveration: that Kant’s unwritten political philosophy lies in the third critique, has led to the concentration almost exclusively on her reading of the aesthetic judgment. However, Arendt analyzes during most of her lectures on Kant his philosophy of history and his political writings. I intend to show that the peculiar reappropriation that Arendt makes of Kant proceeds in a double movement which, on the basis of these texts links them with the third critique so that both are reconfigured. Thus, I argue that the Kantian view of the French Revolution and the public use of reason, allows Arendt to put the aesthetic judgment in an actual communicative horizon.


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How to Cite

Di Pego, A. (2016). The Political Potentiality of Aesthetic Judgment: on Arendtian Reappropriation of Kant. Isegoría, (54), 193–224.



Notes and Discussions