Towards a characterization of current Art and Science practices related to Synthetic Life


  • Esther Moñivas Universidad Antonio de Nebrija



Bioengineering, Bioart, Genetic Art, Transgenic Art, Synthetic Biology, Bioethics, Bioaesthetics, DIY Bio, Biohacking


In the last decades the field of artistic creation has been a privileged space for reflection, cultural criticism, ethical questioning, and both aesthetical and technical experimentation that has been testing the most varied views of evolution; the transformation of relations with nature and the self-understanding of the human being. Within synthetic biology open discussion, this article aims to highlight that both bioart, genetic art, transgenic art and biohacking, are powerful tools for social debate whose ethical and aesthetic dimensions should be reviewed and discussed in detail.


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How to Cite

Moñivas, E. (2016). Towards a characterization of current Art and Science practices related to Synthetic Life. Isegoría, (55), 665–682.



Notes and Discussions