An Interpretation of the Revolutionary Proyect of Cornelius Castoriadis against the Economic Crisis: Autonomy, Politics and Democracy




Economic Crisis, Castoriadis, Autonomy, Democracy, Equality, Freedom


The economic crisis that began in 2008 has shown a deep social crisis that reflects the progressive unembeddednes of individual from society, promoting the emergence of social alternatives that sacrifice freedom in exchange for security. This article presents an interpretation of the revolutionary project of Cornelius Castoriadis as an alternative to the current liberal democracy, able to face social crisis by placing society itself as a central element in their own construction. The emergence of a lucid and thoughtful individual able to develop a conscious political action drives towards individual and social autonomy, building a democratic regime that involves the combination of freedom and equality.


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How to Cite

Tapia, C. (2017). An Interpretation of the Revolutionary Proyect of Cornelius Castoriadis against the Economic Crisis: Autonomy, Politics and Democracy. Isegoría, (57), 635–655.



Notes and Discussions