Byung-Chul Han and the Problem of Transparency




Transparency, Intimacy (privacy), Socio-political Problems, Emancipation, Social Cyber-companies


The standardization of the display of intimacy implies that transparency is normalized in the information society. Social practices are bringing the idea of emancipation to the technological field. This carries significant but unquestioned socio-political expectations that are associated with powerful cybercompanies. Byung-Chul Han treats these issues in his political texts. He argues that transparency is a neoliberal device which does not help solve the problems of citizenship, and it even involves a “depoliticization”. My intention is to carry out a critical review of his texts, and highlight their convergences with other authors dedicated to the philosophy of technology.


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How to Cite

Almendros, L. S. (2018). Byung-Chul Han and the Problem of Transparency. Isegoría, (58), 175–183.



Notes and Discussions

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