Spatiality and Pain. Phenomenological Meditations




Phenomenology, Pain, Location, Body Image, Body Schema, Inner Body


This paper assumes that physical pains are, with equal originality, unshareable conscious experiences and spatial events that take place in the body. The text defends the old thesis by F. Buytendijk concerning the impossibility of a non-located pain covering the whole of one’s body (Job’s pain), and adds that, on the contrary, simultaneous pains, distinguished through their location, are indeed possible. The intimate unity in pain of cogitatio and extensio leads me to argue that physical pain points back to a level of space deeper than the body image and also more primitive than the body schema directing conscious movements and behavior.


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How to Cite

Serrano de Haro, A. (2019). Spatiality and Pain. Phenomenological Meditations. Isegoría, (60), 103–121.




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