Illusions in Affective Perception of Pain




Suffering, Hedonism, Masochism, Prefrontal Leucotomies, Pain Threshold, Habituation


This article studies the variations of the “affective perception” (Fühlen) of pain, which we call “pain-feeling” for offering the “value-side” of “pain-sensation”. Here we consider the affective perception of pain as a cognitive act, in such a way that its variations constitute strict “affective illusions”, which, on a formal level, could range from suffering in excess to indifference or enjoyment. But the article argues that the only illusions that in fact happen are excess-illusions, in which they suffer more than due (illusions linked to hedonism). And the enjoyment of pain or indifference (asymbolie) for pain, which occur respectively in masochism and prefrontal leucotomies, are in the level of “affective responses” to pain, which in the article are clearly distinguished from the previous level of affective perception. In turn, the variations in affective perception differ from the variations in the “threshold of pain-sensation”, studied from psychophysics.


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How to Cite

Fernández Beites, P. (2019). Illusions in Affective Perception of Pain. Isegoría, (60), 209–231.



Notes and Discussions