Phenomenology of the Mirror Reflection as an Explanatory Ground for the Efficacy of the Mirror Box in the Treatment of Phantom Limb Pain




Phantom limb, Pain, Mirror Therapy, Mirror Box, Phenomenology of visual perception, Image Consciosuness, Husserl, Mirror Perception


In this work we are concerned with considering the contribution that a phenomenology of the mirror reflex provides to the understanding of the Mirror Box Therapy in the symptomatic treatment of phantom limb pain. The development consists in two sections: a first one dedicated to a general phenomenological foundation of the mirror perception, and a second dedicated to the explanation of the perception of reflexes according to Husserl’s phenomenology, and its possible application to the explanation of the Mirror Box Therapy.


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How to Cite

González Guardiola, J. (2019). Phenomenology of the Mirror Reflection as an Explanatory Ground for the Efficacy of the Mirror Box in the Treatment of Phantom Limb Pain. Isegoría, (60), 253–270.



Notes and Discussions