„Der Schmerz war, der er war“. Torture and theorizing of Pain in Jean Améry





Jean Améry, Pain, body, Representation, Victim, Other, torture


Jean Améry, survivor of the Shoah, will be unable for two decades to theorize his experience, as a traumatic consequence of the violence and torture suffered. From the mid-sixties until his death, Améry will deal in essays and literarily with the destruction inflicted on him. Its narrative task will be the titanic effort to subvert the impossibility, associated with the memory of extreme pain, determinant for its victim status, through the word. A word capable of returning you –always in a partial and subsidiary way– the condition of subject. However, the experience of pain will be intangible, subsumed by time in the ethereal form of an abstraction. memory is revealed in Améry as incapable against the substance of pain, only accessible to recurrent scenes of painful clarity for vision.


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How to Cite

Fernández López, J. A. (2019). „Der Schmerz war, der er war“. Torture and theorizing of Pain in Jean Améry. Isegoría, (60), 285–301. https://doi.org/10.3989/isegoria.2019.060.16



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