Towards the Semiotic Construction of the World. Adam Smith’s Considerations on Language




Adam Smith, Language, Communication, Socialization, Human Nature


This article explores the aportation of Adam Smith’s Considerations Concerning the First Formation of Languages to the rest of his work. It starts analyzing its internal structure in the light of its documented sources, of which it follows a linguistic model that is more constructive than referential. From the initial approach that language, first of all, communicates needs, the author connects this germ of the process of socialization with Smith’s published works, explaining them as a semiotic development of the fundamental idea that the human being has not a definite Nature, but an open history in which he must make to himself.


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How to Cite

López Lloret, J. (2019). Towards the Semiotic Construction of the World. Adam Smith’s Considerations on Language. Isegoría, (61), 421–442.


