Marcuse’s interpretation of Being and time. Context and key aspects of the Marcusean reception of Heidegger in the Contributions of 1928




Marcuse, Heidegger, Orthodox Marxism, Kautsky, Phenomenology of Historical Materialism


The paper presents the philosophical project outlined by Marcuse in his work Contributions to a phenomenology of historical materialism (1928) from three different points of view. First, it sketches the discussion context in which this work is placed. then, it explains the critical way in which Marcuse appropriates some of the topics developed in Being and time. Lastly, it indicates the reception that Heidegger made of this original interpretation of his own work.


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How to Cite

Lara, F. de. (2019). Marcuse’s interpretation of Being and time. Context and key aspects of the Marcusean reception of Heidegger in the Contributions of 1928. Isegoría, (61), 525–542.


