From Transhumanist’s Morphological Freedom to Posthuman Corporeality: Convergences and Divergences




Corporeality, mind uploading, morphological freedom, philosophical posthumanism, transhumanism


Transhumanism and philosophical posthumanism have paid special attention to human corporeality in relation to technological breakthroughs. This article begins by pointing out how the two movements differ significantly about the inheritance of humanism. Subsequently, the transhumanist notion of ‘morphological freedom’ is addressed from the proposals of More, Sandberg, and Bostrom. Then, paradigmatic cases of body modifications through cybernetic implants are considered. Finally, the issues of identity, corporeality, and the disagreement between the two currents regarding ‘mind uploading’ are problematized.


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How to Cite

Rueda Etxeberria, J. (2020). From Transhumanist’s Morphological Freedom to Posthuman Corporeality: Convergences and Divergences. Isegoría, (63), 311–328.


