Animal Writing for a Posthuman Ethics (Wild and Feminist)




Animal Writing, Posthuman Ethics, Grace, Poetic Reason, Wild


In this paper I want to defend the necessary role played by the recognition of human animal subjectivity in the articulation of a posthuman ethics. For this I propose that what I have called “animal writing” is a way of writing that seeks to express that human animality. I will analyze the features of what animal writing is, proposing Zambrano’s poetic reason as an adequate method to articulate animal writing. As an example of animal writing, I will examine the narratives of the feminist wild. Finally, going through these texts will allow me to highlight some principles of what I consider to be a posthuman ethics.


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How to Cite

Balza, I. (2020). Animal Writing for a Posthuman Ethics (Wild and Feminist). Isegoría, (63), 349–366.


