Manuel Sacristán and the Analytical Imagination




Analytical Marxism, Manuel Sacristán, Epistemology of Social Science, Praxeology


One of the most recognizable features of the fragmentary work of the Spanish philosopher Manuel Sacristán is a critical reception of different Marxist currents by means of epistemological tools inherited from the analytic philosophical tradition. It is a frame that anticipated in several decades the emergence of “analytical Marxism”, a collective intervention of great international impact in which, however, Sacristán barely took part. This article tries to reconstruct a possible dialogue between some central elements of analytical Marxism and the epistemological and political reflections of Manuel Sacristán.


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How to Cite

Rendueles, C. (2020). Manuel Sacristán and the Analytical Imagination. Isegoría, (63), 471–483.



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