The Political Thinking of Suárez in De Opere Sex Dierum and its Relation with Filmer and Locke




Suárez, Bellarmino, Filmer, Sidney, Locke, Economic Power, Political Power, Liberty, Equality, Political Pact


The article presents the political thinking of Suárez’s De opere sex dierum, a literary work which as yet does not count on a translation into Spanish. The article is divided into two parts. The first one describes and analyses the political thinking of this work, reaching the conclusion that the central theme is that of the distinction between economic and political power, carried out in order to save –faced with the theory of the divine right of kings– the liberty and equality of all men and the contractual character of the State. The second part covers the relation of this work with Filmer’s Patriarcha, as well as the inspiration found in Suárez’s writing upon which to base the themes of liberty and equality found in Locke’s second Treatise on Government.


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How to Cite

Prieto López, L. J. (2020). The Political Thinking of Suárez in De Opere Sex Dierum and its Relation with Filmer and Locke. Isegoría, (63), 583–602.



Notes and Discussions

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