Braidotti: For an Ethics of Tamagotchis, Cigarettes, and Schizophrenia




Rosi Braidotti, Contemporary Philosophy, Technology, Ethics, Postmodernity


The following paper aims to develop the theoretical and practical consequences, philosophical presuppositions, and intellectual aporias to which the reader of Rosi Braidotti is confronted in her approach of an ethics of becoming and the ethical relationships of a transposed or posthuman subject. We take for this purpose two almost marginal examples of her book Transpositions, namely, the human relationships developed with Tamagotchis and other technologies and the so-called “ethics of the penultimate cigarette” which is framed in the “transposition of death.” Braidotti’s posture will be examined and criticized on the light of authors (mainly Slavoj Zizek and Pierre Manent) who have reflected, also almost marginally, on the same problems and their contextualization in contemporary and modern philosophy. We intend to show that the author’s claims presume to be schizophrenic and, indeed, she maintains an unfortunate schizophrenic proposal.


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How to Cite

Vega Castro, D. E. . (2021). Braidotti: For an Ethics of Tamagotchis, Cigarettes, and Schizophrenia. Isegoría, (65), e06.


