The Slow Eclosion of the Chrysalis. Notes on Marxism, Nature, and the Eco-social Transition




Ecological Marxism, Environmental Crisis, Capitalism, Ecosocial Transition, Theory of Needs



Ecological Marxism is among the most fruitful theories to address our political present. In the following, we expose some of its main features thanks to Saito’s and Moore’s theses. Afterwards we tackle more practical perspectives that can help us build a fair ecosocial transition. To this effect, we lean on the theory of needs (Madorrán) and on the class perspective of Keucheyan and Huber. We conclude by revealing some problematic suppositions in Marxist theory, as explained in Hornborg.


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How to Cite

Navarro Ruiz, C. (2023). The Slow Eclosion of the Chrysalis. Notes on Marxism, Nature, and the Eco-social Transition. Isegoría, (69), e04.




Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
Grant numbers PID2019-105803GB-I0

Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Grant numbers PID2019-105803GB-I0

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Grant numbers PAII25/21-9/2021-16

Comunidad de Madrid
Grant numbers H2019/HUM-5699

European Cooperation in Science and Technology
Grant numbers CA20134

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