How to Deal with Naturalistic Fallacy Accusations




Naturalism, Metaethics, Naturalistic fallacy, Moore, Hume


Given the philosophical relevance and the existence of heated discussions about naturalistic fallacy, it is obligatory for any system of naturalistic ethics to give some answer about how it overcomes potential imputations of naturalistic fallacy. At this point, two strategies can be used to defend against the charge of fallacy: one of them is arguing against the relevance of the charge in general, by showing that the description of the fallacy fails to point to something problematic in naturalistic arguments, and another by showing that the proposition of naturalism in favor of which one argues is not affected by the charges of fallacy. This article will offer an analysis of the different conceptions of naturalistic fallacies that have been described and will take both routes to defend the proposition proper to each recognized type of naturalistic fallacy.


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How to Cite

Corrales Pavía, H. (2023). How to Deal with Naturalistic Fallacy Accusations. Isegoría, (69), e06.


