Sadomasochism under debate: a review of the state of the art within the social sciences and feminist objections to the main arguments of its rhetoric


  • Lydia Delicado Moratalla Universidad Pública de Navarra, Dpto. Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación - Instituto Universitario de Investigación Social Avanzada I-COMMUNITAS.



feminist theory, sadomasochism, masculine power, consent, sexuality


This paper presents a conceptual research that has two objectives: to approach the state of the art of the social sciences’ academic debate regarding sadomasochism (SM); and to detect and discuss the most structural arguments of its intellectual rhetoric. The method is based on a feminist interpretative analysis of the literature reviewed. The idea that SM is an alternative sexuality from the patriarchal model is problematized. Consent is interrogated in order to study its fragilities as a legitimizing element of SM. Some objections are also presented to the rationale that positions SM within an ontological category. The main conclusion of this research allows to render account that SM is constituted of a celebration of violence and masculine domination and that it reproduces the political layers of masculinity and femininity within sexuality.


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How to Cite

Delicado Moratalla, L. (2023). Sadomasochism under debate: a review of the state of the art within the social sciences and feminist objections to the main arguments of its rhetoric. Isegoría, (69), e11.


