A front against the different forms of oppression: from Kant and beyond Kant





Kant, racism, colonialism, sexism, recognition, non-ideal critical theories


Although Kant has been regarded the modern representative of Eurocentrism, racism and sexism, I propose to argue that in his theory of ethical and juridical recognition are the keys to rescue a consistent position with the defense of a philosophy of freedom, equality and plurality. To this end, in the first part, I consider the panorama of the criticisms and interpretations directed at Kant regarding the different forms of oppression, to recover the reasons for not to discard his philosophy as a possible starting point to think of a front against them. Then, in the second part, I develop the Kantian theory of juridical and ethical-political recognition as a double front against the various forms of oppression, and I deepen it from non-ideal critical theories to think with Kant and beyond Kant.


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How to Cite

Quiroga, N. E. (2023). A front against the different forms of oppression: from Kant and beyond Kant. Isegoría, (69), e12. https://doi.org/10.3989/isegoria.2023.69.12




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