Blackness and Hermeneutical Injustice in Frantz Fanon




Hermeneutical Injustice, Sociogeny, Social categories, Corporeal schema, Epistemic Injustice


This article offers a critical review of Miranda Fricker’s notion of hermeneutical injustice based on two elements of Frantz Fanon’s work: 1) that social categories have a cultural load that is productive, which calls into question the definition of hermeneutical injustice as the absence or misrepresentation of categories; 2) how the latter is reflected in the “body schema,” that is, the relationship between hermeneutical resources and the lived experience of the body from Fanon’s redefinition of Merleau Ponty’s “body schema” which shows that hermeneutical resources are not just mental categories but are imbricated with the material dimension of the body. We aim to show how these two elements of Fanonian theory contribute to the notion of hermeneutical injustice and why this is relevant to understanding the structural injustice of racism.


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How to Cite

de Oto, A., & Jerade, M. (2023). Blackness and Hermeneutical Injustice in Frantz Fanon. Isegoría, (68), e17.



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