Natural resonance and individual capability for eco-social action




Capabilities approach, Capability of eco-social action, Post-growth, Motivational gap


Transforming individual lifestyles is necessary to address the eco-social crisis-and it is imperative that policies committed to its resolution promote the individual capability for eco-social action. However, it appears that a certain motivational gap hinders individual lifestyle change. To address this gap, we explore a blend of the capabilities approach and Hartmut Rosa’s theories. We argue that natural resonance serves as a necessary, though not sufficient, personal conversion factor for the capability of eco-social action-and that a policy of promoting natural resonance would also meet the demands placed on human development by both the capabilities approach and sustainability.


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How to Cite

Moreno-Romero, P., & Ballesteros, V. (2023). Natural resonance and individual capability for eco-social action. Isegoría, (68), e27.



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