Promiscuous obedience: María Zambrano, Judith Butler and Bonnie Honig reading Antigone




Antigone, exile, mourning, natality, promiscuous obedience


The present text approaches the figure of Antigone through the diverse receptions that this figure has had in feminist theory, particularly in María Zambrano, Judith Butler and Bonnie Honig, insofar as in each of them, besides an interpretation, there is a model of political action and confrontation with institutionality. Exile, mourning and natality, models that we identify in each of these authors, appear as three different models, but that in the analysis are revealed closer and more porous to the possible crossings. Finally, we propose, from the concept of “promiscuous obedience” used by Butler, a possible feminist answer to the irresoluble conflict with institutional power.


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How to Cite

Darat, N., & Zuchel, L. (2024). Promiscuous obedience: María Zambrano, Judith Butler and Bonnie Honig reading Antigone. Isegoría, (70), 1430.




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