Metaphor and Ethnic Terrorism


  • Eduardo de Bustos UNED



Terrorism, terrorist discourse, cognitive frames, cognitive theory of metaphor


The terrorist discourse has been critically analysed with the traditional tools provided by the discourse analysis, the argumentation theory and, broadly speaking, by rhetoric. This paper proposes rather a critical analysis of the ethnic terrorist or nationalist discourse that makes use of the contemporary theory of metaphor to reveal the cognitive frames that ascribes sense to the terrorist language, particularly the discourse used the ETA organization as the Basque nationalist and independentist discourse in general. This approach allows overcoming the shortcomings of the classical rhetorical tools, with its focus in the lexical or argumentative analysis, and gives an explanation of the mental settings characteristic of this kind of terrorist discourse.


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How to Cite

de Bustos, E. (2012). Metaphor and Ethnic Terrorism. Isegoría, (46), 105–124.




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