Ethical Vectors of Hidden Innovation in Social Technology


  • Javier Bustamante Donas Universidad Complutense de Madrid



social technology, hidden innovation, communities of knowledge, ethics and technology


This article studies the connection between social technology and hidden innovation from a set of ethical vectors. These ethical vectors foster the rising and spreading of a hidden innovation created in collaborative environments by means of social technology. Understanding the ethical dimension of social technology allows us to identify the role played by a set of laws - Metcalfe’s law, law of positive externalities, and law of increasing return to adoption - in the development of social empowerment practices in the aforementioned environments, which are here defined as “communities of knowledge”. The ethical vectors present in social technology are analyzed from the following categories: communitarian knowledge and innovation, democracy and citizen participation, dialogue between popular wisdom and scientific knowledge, and holistic educational process.


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How to Cite

Bustamante Donas, J. (2013). Ethical Vectors of Hidden Innovation in Social Technology. Isegoría, (48), 75–94.


