The continuity of the technological innovations: The challenge Raised by the biomedical interventions of human enhancement


  • Francisco Javier López Frías Universidad de Valencia



human enhancement, technology, ethics, bioethics, continuity argument


One of the most recent debates among ethicists concerning the course of technological innovation is the human enhancement debate, which has been generated by the possibility of pushing human limits further by using the power of science. Many philosophers have warned us about the dangers of modifying human nature in a technical way. However, others argue that there are no morally salient differences between enhancing technical interventions and other kinds of technologies that human beings have taken to be usual for them. This paper shall critically analyze this argument. The main aim of this critical analysis is twofold, first, to show that people who make this argument are biased in several ways and, second, to claim that a more accurate and restricted definition of human enhancement technologies is needed.


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How to Cite

López Frías, F. J. (2013). The continuity of the technological innovations: The challenge Raised by the biomedical interventions of human enhancement. Isegoría, (48), 213–228.



Notes and Discussions