Economic crisis and social crisis. The problem of the subject of transformation


  • Alberto Burgio Università di Bologna



Marx, crisis, hegemony, subjectivity, determinism


The current economic crisis that is affecting the capitalist West (and in particular the Mediterranean countries of the European Union) is the result of a history that began in the 1970's, with the neoliberal response (Reagan and Thatcher) to the fall of the rate of profit produced as a consequence of class struggle and geopolitical disturbances during the three decades following the Second World War. It is indispensable to reread this history with Marx in order to understand the possible dynamics and developments of the crisis. But this implies both avoiding any determinist simplification and taking into account the often decisive role played in material processes by subjective factors.


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How to Cite

Burgio, A. (2014). Economic crisis and social crisis. The problem of the subject of transformation. Isegoría, (50), 337–351.



Notes and Discussions