Human Rights and Modern Social Imaginaries. An approach from International Relations


  • Francisco Javier Peñas Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Human rights, social imaginaries, international relations, political theory


This article aims to set the human rights regimen -though only the regimen that refers to civil and political rights in the context of the mental universe of those social imaginaries that constitute our way of reading the world… In these pages I state that human rights have no fundamental philosophical foundation (in any case, only a transcendental being excluded from our philosophical thoughts), (2) that one of the axis of these modern social imaginaries is the one that deploys itself from the human kind as one (cosmopolis) to the sovereign state; and (3) the other axis stretches from civilization to barbarism, in a teleological narrative. With these in mind, human rights, that could only be understood totally inside a linguistic tradition, could and should be used, not as universal foundation of action, but as weapons for struggle.


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How to Cite

Peñas, F. J. (2014). Human Rights and Modern Social Imaginaries. An approach from International Relations. Isegoría, (51), 545–574.


