“Does Law Matter?”. Judicial Politics, Legal Realism, and the Problem of Indeterminacy of Law as a Methodological Problem


  • Pablo José Castillo Ortiz University of Sheffield




Legal Realism, Judicial Politics, Indeterminacy of law, Theories of judicial decision-making


In the last decades the new discipline of Judicial Politics has emerged in the academic landscape, heir of legal realism and determined to study judicial behavior with social-sciences tools and from sociopolitical explanatory variables. In so doing, however, studies in Judicial Politics have left out the role of law in the explanation of the behavior of Justices, using theoretical argumentations based on the indeterminacy of legal rules. In this article, I suggest that the exclusion of legal rules is however an important limitation for the construction of empirical models of judicial behavior.


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How to Cite

Castillo Ortiz, P. J. (2014). “Does Law Matter?”. Judicial Politics, Legal Realism, and the Problem of Indeterminacy of Law as a Methodological Problem. Isegoría, (51), 575–596. https://doi.org/10.3989/isegoria.2014.051.03


