Experimental philosophy and experimental economics: A hybrid approach


  • Fernando Aguiar IESA-CSIC
  • Antonio Gaitán Universidad Carlos III
  • Blanca Rodríguez López Universidad Complutense de Madrid




Behavioral competence, Linguistic competence, Experimental Psychology, Conceptual intuitions


The aim of this paper is to present the main trends inside Experimental Philosophy, paying special attention to a severe criticism on this recent proposal of methodological change. According to Antti Kauppinen, Experimental Philosophy is doomed to failure because it cannot elicit through its methods the kind of intuitions philosophers are looking for –competent speakers ´ robust intuitions. Even if Kauppinen’s criticism is partially right, in this article we hold, firstly, that the supposed inability of Experimental Philosophy to elicit speakers´ robust intuitions is due mainly to the kind of experimental methods used until now by experimental philosophers. Secondly, we claim that the project of reform in which Experimental Philosophy is embarked can be saved only if Experimental Philosophy accepts some methodological recommendations coming from Experimental Economics. Only by doing so experimental philosophers would successfully face Kauppinen’s criticism.


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How to Cite

Aguiar, F., Gaitán, A., & Rodríguez López, B. (2014). Experimental philosophy and experimental economics: A hybrid approach. Isegoría, (51), 623–648. https://doi.org/10.3989/isegoria.2014.051.05




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