Historical description and philosophical aesthetics. Social art history between the reclaiming of facts and the anachronism of suffering


  • Gabriel Cabello Padial Universidad de Granada
  • Irene Valle Corpas Universidad de Granada




Art historiography, philosophical aesthetics, Francis Haskell, Michael Baxandall, TJ. Clark, Georges Didi-Huberman, suffering, anachronism


The aim of the present paper is to describe the ethos, which is to mean, the habitus and the home of the art historian, from the starting point of the elements that form the backbone of Social Art History: the reclaiming of facts, the consideration of the works of art as the deposit of social interaction, and the aim of remaining inside the terms of the historically describable. In differentiating itself from the specific preoccupations of philosophical aesthetics and from the reclaiming of the anachronic pathos of the recent programs of anthropology of images, such historiography, which during the generation of Haskell and Baxandall was generally skeptical about theory, later with the arrival of the New Art History, postulated itself less as a method than as the terrain in which every question and every concept imported from philosophy would be launched.


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How to Cite

Cabello Padial, G., & Valle Corpas, I. (2015). Historical description and philosophical aesthetics. Social art history between the reclaiming of facts and the anachronism of suffering. Isegoría, (52), 311–329. https://doi.org/10.3989/isegoria.2015.052.14



Notes and Discussions