Human cloning and the problem of identity


  • Santiago Gabriel Calise Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani-Conicet-Universidad de Buenos Aires



identity, nuclear transfer, Ricoeur, metaphor, twins


The following paper deals with the problems that human cloning entails for identity, owing to the fact that this concept has been erected as one of the main arguments to try to found a ban on the aforementioned technique. Notwithstanding this, identity appears not only among the ethical arguments, but also in the definitions of cloning and the metaphors used to qualify the human beings born in that way. In all these levels different interpretations of the idea of identity are intermingled, many times creating confusions on the level where this reasoning unfolds. Through philosophical developments of this concept, as those provided by Ricoeur, it is expected to assess to which extent the identity of the human being born through cloning would be offended by the technique.


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How to Cite

Calise, S. G. (2015). Human cloning and the problem of identity. Isegoría, (53), 697–710.



Notes and Discussions