The Trojan Enterprise and the Question about the who in Hannah Arendt’s Thought


  • Scheherezade Pinilla Cañadas UCM/Université Paris 8



Arendt, Homer, heroism, plurality, action, disclosure


This article attempts to answer all those scholars who maintain that Hannah Arendt is a political thinker of Hellenic nostalgia. From such a perspective, it is easy to conclude not only that Arendt´s thought is irrelevant to contemporary concerns but that she is an elitist reactionary when it comes to assessing the prospects of representative democracies. It is to be considered here that this reading is wrong and one-sided, and that the major work upon which it is based, The Human Condition, needs to be studied in a nuanced way, as engaging in multiple complex dialogue with philosophic-political tradition. To this end, this paper begins by briefly explicating not at all her dependency upon Heidegger, but rather a “radical conversation” with him. This conversation, even when only partially explored, casts considerable light on Arendt´s entire philosophical project. Secondly, this paper supports the view that Homer offers an ideal vantage point from which to tackle what Miguel Abensour has called “a political conception of heroism.” More specifically, the thesis which is to be defended here is that Iliad, and particularly the catalogue of ships in Book 2, could be understood as the origin of the Arendtian account of plurality.


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How to Cite

Pinilla Cañadas, S. (2016). The Trojan Enterprise and the Question about the who in Hannah Arendt’s Thought. Isegoría, (54), 119–145.


