Performativity: The Special and the General Theory




Judith Butler, Performativity, Precarity, Precariousness, Assembly, Social Transformation


If in Gender Trouble (1990) Butler presented a proposal of the theory of performativity of speech acts applied to the construction of gender, in her last book, Notes towards a Performative Theory of Assembly (2015), she articulates a theory of performativity applied to collective and concerted action of minorities or populations that are estimated to be “disposable”. The interest of the proposal that we present in this paper is to analyze how the theory of performativity of gender is now extended to the forms of democratic action; going from being a structure that explains the possibilities of gender to explain the possibilities for a livable life. It is what we call here the extension of performativity, from the special case of gender to the general case of a livable life.


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How to Cite

Reverter-Bañón, S. (2017). Performativity: The Special and the General Theory. Isegoría, (56), 61–87.


