The Body in Discord: Judith Butler and the Reactivation of the Dialectic of Master




Master, Slave, Body, Dialectics, Freedom, Power


In this article I propose to study the interpretation of Butler around dialectics between master and slave. I recognize two original points in her research: the place of the body in Hegel’s philosophy and the role of the unfortunate consciousness. On the other hand, I would like to criticize the link that Butler proposes between the structure of subjection in Hegel and the notion of subjection in Foucault’s writings. I will take distance from Butler’s interpretation, since I prefer to explore a different relationship between both thinkers. Finally, I incorporate the works of Malabou, when she discusses with Butler about the place of the body in Hegel’s philosophy.


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How to Cite

Cadahia, M. L. (2017). The Body in Discord: Judith Butler and the Reactivation of the Dialectic of Master. Isegoría, (56), 109–125.


