Rosa Parks with Judith Butler: Individual Performativity and Collective Action


  • Pablo Pérez Navarro Centro de Estudios Sociales Universidad de Coimbra



Performativity, theatricality, queer activism, social protest, collective action


This paper relies on two opposite temporal directions. In the first one, I draw on black and latino ball culture to reread the historical refusal of Rosa Parks to give up her seat on the bus. The second one outlines a queer genealogy of the uses of theatricality in contemporary forms of urban activism. Drawing on the encounter between both temporal directions and engaging in a dialogue with Judith Butler’s recent work I argue for taking into account the performative dimension of individual interventions in the space of the protest in order to understand the mobilizing power of collective action.


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How to Cite

Pérez Navarro, P. (2017). Rosa Parks with Judith Butler: Individual Performativity and Collective Action. Isegoría, (56), 187–204.



Notes and Discussions

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